The Cheapest & Fastest way to make a Mobile App

Applin is a set of backend libraries and boilerplate mobile apps that do Server-Driven UI.

Applin eliminates iOS & Android code. A single backend engineer can use it to make a full-featured mobile app.

Server-Driven UI

Server-Driven UI reduces costs and ships features faster.

Large tech companies use their own internal SDUIs for competitive advantage:

Applin levels the playing field, bringing server-driven UIs to companies of all sizes.

Try it

  1. Try Applin Tester on your phone right now.
  2. Try it on your laptop. See the docs.

Rails Example

Screenshot of iPhone displaying the AccountController.new_account page

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Leonhard LLC develops, sells, and supports Applin. The company is owned and operated by Michael Leonhard.

We develop Applin in the open on GitHub. PRs are welcome!