Optional - Storyboard Launch Screen

The example app template uses an image for the launch screen. If you want a fancier launch screen, follow these instructions to replace it with a storyboard launch screen.

Note: XCode's storyboard editor is difficult to use. If you just want to add some text to your launch screen, try adding it into your logo.png.


  1. Delete the Launch Screen key from Info.plist
  2. Right-click on "Info.plist" in the Project Navigator and choose "New File"
    1. Select iOS and Storyboard and click Next
    2. Name the file LaunchScreen open the storyboard and add the logo:
  3. Click + at the top-right of the screen
  4. Drag Image View onto the empty app screen. Drop it in the center of the screen.
  5. In the "Attributes Inspector" column on the right-hand side, change "Image" to logo.png
  6. Click the unlabeled "Align" button, near the bottom of the window. "Add new alignment constraints" pops up.
    1. Check Horizontally in Container
    2. Check Vertically in Container
    3. Click Add 2 Constraints
  7. Click the unlabeled "Add New Constraints" button, near the bottom of the window. "Add New Constraints" pops up.
    1. Check Width and enter 200 in the box
    2. Check Aspect Ratio
    3. Click Add 2 Constraints
  8. Select View Controller Scene, then click the unlabeled "Show the Attributes Inspector" button in the right-hand pane. Then check the Is Initial View Controller checkbox.
  9. Open target configuration, General tab, and change "Launch Screen File" to LaunchScreen.storyboard.